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An Article about the Efficiency of “Closed” Neon Signs To People

December 16th, 2010 Posted in Uncategorized

Neon signs are most often than not put up at the storefront windows of business establishments. The signs are always left on to operate 24/7, thus it makes it difficult for the customers to know on the spot whether the store is still open or has closed up for the day.

 As long as the signs are on people have the tendency to think that the place is still open. Even if you were to make use of store-bought paper or plastic signs that say “closed”, people would still require getting closer towards the store as the signs may not be visible from afar. At times, people may take a sneak look through the store’s window just to ascertain whether it is opened or closed.

 The close sign will assist the people using cars who on seeing it at a distance would continue on their way without being annoyed. Given that they would not have been inconvenienced not only in securing for parking but also getting out of their vehicles only to find that the store they are going to is not accessible after all.

How Can Neon Signs Increase Sales in Your Coffee Shop?

December 16th, 2010 Posted in Uncategorized

If you are a new coffee shop or restaurant owner, what better way to promote your business than by using strategically placed neon coffee signs?  With the many vibrant and bright colors it is sure to attract more customers.

 Due to the advancement of electronic technology there are many different types of neon signs to choose from. These signs blink, flash messages, and some even move.

 Online retailers that specialize in neon signs usually have the biggest selection of neon signs.There maybe some rules and regulations you need to follow lіkе οnlу keeping thе neon coffee signs οn during сеrtаіn times, οr even hοw brіght thе signage саn bе. Thеrе іѕ nο sense іf уου spend аll οf уουr hard earned money аnd soon tο come tο find out thаt уου can’t express уουr desire tο promote уουr nеw coffee shop. Hοwеνеr, hanging thе signs οn thе inside οf уουr business іѕ a different matter.