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Types of Advertising Signs

February 4th, 2011 Posted in Uncategorized

You would think that all signs designed and built for the purpose of attracting business are the same; however, there are many different types of commercial signs.

Much sign terminology is based on where the sign is physically located on the business establishment. A very common location sign is a window sign, which is a sign that is placed directed onto, behind, or within the direct vicinity of the store window. There is the canopy sign which is a sign above any type of protective awning or cover located over entrances or exits of businesses. There is the roof sign, which obviously is a sign placed onto the roof of an establishment or any of the servicing buildings of the establishment. There is the wall sign, which can be commercially printed or painted. A projecting sign is a sign that extends from a building and is typically targeted at passer-by foot traffic. The billboard is a raised, off-site sign, typically roadside and much larger than other types of signs. People also advertise on mobile vehicular signs.

There are also different forms of advertising signs. A neon sign is a bright glowing gas-filled tubular-glass sign, very effective at drawing attention. An animated sign can be a neon, LED, or LCD sign that uses action and special effects similar to video and motion pictures. It is important as a business owner to make sure which advertising signs are appropriate and effective for your business and which are permitted in your location.

One Response to “Types of Advertising Signs”

  1. spear@mozarts.vestments” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…

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